
best at home hair treatments

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Is your hair suffer from split ends, even after you finish regular? There are solutions and preventive measures to eliminate split ends once and for all. Split ends of the hair shaft are a result of damage to the cuticle. The cuticle layer is the protective layer of the hair. It consists of overlapping cells, like shingles on a house and protects the cortex (the second layer of the hair) and the medulla (the medulla of the hair). Depending on how well the overlapping cells are woven determines your hair porosity (how porous your hair is).
Now that we understand the structure of the hair, let's take a look at why we split ends. Largely, split ends are dry and / or brittle hair and occurs when the cuticle as stripped away from the ends of the hair. Dry and brittle hair is a direct result of not being supplied sufficient moisture and / or protein to hair.
To take preventive measures against split ends we must first make an assessment of the health of the hair. To do this evaluation test, you have hair care products that silicone based strike for eight weeks. Silicone-based shampoos and conditioners really coat the hair shaft and while it may be shiny and healthy it is actually depriving your hair with the necessary moisture and proteins look required. If you can not live without a silicone-based hair care then do a clarifying rinse with diluted vinegar to remove all traces of product build-up in the hair.
Strand Test - with a wet lock of hair straightening the hair strand, if it breaks immediately and has no stretch has a moisture deficit. If the hair strands extends over 30%, but did not return to its original state to bouncing, then there is a protein deficiency. There are several products on the market to add protein in hair, but a homemade remedy I heard over and over is going to try an infusion of catnip poured directly on the hair and then rinsed out. Other ingredients that adding protein to your hair its yolk, coconut milk or oil, soy, and mayonnaise. Mix some of these ingredients with some olive oil and make a hair mask.
Repair split ends between trims is a matter of cutting them off also known as dusting. This will prevent them further away from the hair shaft. You will find a very sharp pair of hair cutting scissors required. Take a section of hair and carefully twist into a loose rope, any hairs that pop, you can cut off the rope. They may want to have friends to help you.
Although there is no cure for split ends when the cuticle is damaged, you can take these preventive measures:
Get a hair cut every six weeks, I know what a pain; I am guilty of going too long between the finish! Always use a cloth or rubber bands in your hair.Invest in a satin pillowcase. Not only is it gentler on the hair is softer on the face too.Never brush hair when wet, always use a wide toothed comb or pick.Consider a deep conditioning at least once a mask month.Invest in proper hair care products for your hair texture.
As mentioned above, you do not really get rid of spilled ends can once they have developed, however, you can prevent their actions with a little preventive maintenance
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at home split end treatment

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Hair SOS or split ends are the problem child of every lady’s life. The defination of split ends is when the protective cuticle has been stripped from the hair ends. Dry and brittle are particularly su... Hair SOS or split ends are the problem child of every lady’s life. The defination of split ends is when the protective cuticle has been stripped from the hair ends. Dry and brittle are particularly suspect to develop split ends. The major causes of split ends is excessive drying or hard brushing.The removal of the hair cuticle is permanent and cannot be replaced. The ends normally splits into two or more strands, and is two to three centimeters in length. The only real treatment is cutting off of the split hair.But you don’t necessarily have to go to the salon every week to keep your split ends in check. In the sixties and seventies, woman used to burn off their split ends themselves! Ouch! I’m sure you’ll agree that that’s a little excessive.Other than a trip to the stylist, what can you do to remove split ends. Guess what, you can do it yourself. That is right!! Get those scissors and trim those split ends right out of your hair.Those superstars and models take the time to snip their own hair between those expensive salon trips. Natasha, Giselle, and Liya are a few of the supermodels who trim their own locks. A hairstylist for the stars stated that it is ok for people to trim their hair as they alone know what is wrong. A whole haircut is possible, but not for those without the courage to do it themselves.Those individuals who are happy with their hair and only want a trim are best suited for a do it yourself re-style. A do in yourself haircut. If you are uncomfortable with this, allow the professionals to do the job.The removal of split ends:Take small sections of hair and carefully twist them in a gentle downward motion. Any split ends will automatically stick out. Carefully snip into the twist with sharp scissors. Don’t cut right through; just cut into the thickness to remove the damaged cuticles and give a natural layered effect.Be careful to cut roughly the same amount from each twist. Remember, sometimes the simplest, and least expensive, ideas are the best. So get trimming your hair!
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at home hair treatments for split ends

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Treatments for split ends will help them appear healthier temporarily, but they don’t get rid of them. If you continue to grow your hair out and never cut them off, they will continue to split and you’ll just have to cut your hair even shorter to completely get rid of them. As much as you hate to hear it, you need to and should cut them off.
Because to maintain healthly hair you need to take care of it and trimming it every once and awhile helps. If you have splits ends and its dry or whatever, you cant say your hair is healthy. Your diet and stress level also determines how healthly your hair is. So trimming them is all a part of maintaining hair so can it grow to the best of its ability. Its average for hair to grow about 1/2 a month.
Your hair is made up of keratin.. When that protein becomes so brittle that it starts to break, there is nothing that you can do to repair that. All you can do is have the split ends trimmed off. Then, in order to slow down the reoccurence of the split ends, you will have to start using conditioner on a regular basis and you will have to abstain from using a hairdryer as much as possible.
Trim your hair every 6 to 8 weeks, keep heat down to a minimum and condition your hair to protect if from heat. Simple precautions and home remedies can prevent formation of split ends. After shampooing and conditioning the hair, apply a drop of olive oil on the hair, Aloe Vera juice can also be sprayed to moisturize the hair.
Shaving your head normally resloves the issue. Since split ends are caused when hair becomes damaged or dry, the longer it gets the more likely the problem will become. If your not willing to shave it clean off, try adding a large spoon full of Lard to your daily diet. I have had friends that do that for their dogs and it provides a nice shinny coat.
Massaging your scalp can help exfoliate skin and remove all oily residue. Mix 1 tablespoon of Malt Vinegar in a glass of water, add a pinch of salt. Use 2 tablespoons of it on your scalp and massage it with your finger tips twice a week. Leave it on for one hour.
While shampooing massage your scalp with your fingertips slowly, it’s not necessary to shampoo the ends, then rinse with warm water. Trimming and cutting aren’t going to be unavoidable. If you do not remove split ends, they will only get worse. The longer you wait to cut them off, the more length you’ll end up losing. Go get a trim, make it clear to your stylist that you do not want anymore than absolutely necessary removed in order to get rid of the split ends.
If you use heat appliances (blowdryers,curling irons, hair straightener) use a heat protecter spray so it’ll protect your hair from heat. make sure when you wash your hair you are using cool water. If you use hot you are giving your hair no chance for being healthy. You dye your hair to often it should be every 3 months and no sooner. Also hot irons are not bad for your hair as long as you do not turn the heat to it highest setting. Make sure when you are brushing your hair out you use a wide tooth comb or pick not a brush. they tear your ends up.
Finding the perfect balance between hair length, hair hygiene and convenience is hard but once you get it figured out it shouldn’t be too hard to maintain.
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